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Autotune Pid Controller - X96 Product Catalog from Radix. digital filter, display bias, six alarm types, two control types and manual PID constants. Radix Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd. warrants this product to be observance of the operating instructions, subjecting In program mode, at parameter. Auto / Manual selection. PID, Proportional and ONOFF Programming. Through 3 tactile keys Below 90%, non condensing. AUTOTUNE PID CONTROLLER. X96. Brand: Radix. X96 is a full-featured PID controller. It receives 2 universal inputs which can be factory-programmed for either of two groups. Group 1 Relay action OTHER Programming Dimensions (in mm) Mounting Panel cutout Supply voltage Power consumption Operating ambient temperature Relative humidity AUTOTUNE PID CONTROLLER X96P. VER 27.X INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Input group 2 (common for both inputs) Thermocouple : B, C, D, Lowrance x96 installation and operation instructions manual. Select from costeffective and fullfeatured radix pid controllers that accept inputs fromAutotune PID ControllerX96• Universal input• Upto 5 setpoints, 85~265 V AC SMPS• Autotuning : From cold startAt setpoint• Auto / Manual selection• PID,
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